Role - kubeinit_prepare
Role Documentation
Please, refer to the kubeinit_prepare role official docs for further information.
Role Defaults
This section highlights all of the defaults and variables set within the “kubeinit_prepare” role.
# All variables intended for modification should be placed in this file.
# All variables within this role should have a prefix of "kubeinit_prepare_"
kubeinit_prepare_debug: '{{ (ansible_verbosity | int) >= 2 | bool }}'
kubeinit_prepare_hide_sensitive_logs: true
- podman
- buildah
- skopeo
- netavark
Tasks files
This section highlights all the documentation available in the tasks files.
Task file: create_host_ssh_config.yml - Create an ssh config file for a list of hosts
This task has two params for the template task below
- config_path optional default: '~/.ssh/config'
- file_mode optional default: '0644'
and two passthrough params for the template itself
- ssh_hosts required list of hosts
- ssh_keytype optional default: 'rsa'
- keypair_path optional default: '~/.ssh/id_' + ssh_keytype
- include_paths optional default: empty list
The hosts are used as hostvars keys meeting the following expectations:
hostvars[host].ansible_host must be defined.
A stanza will be added to the ssh config pairing each host with the
corresponding ansible_host
hostvars[host].ssh_connection_address may be defined
hostvars[host].ssh_hostname may be defined
A stanza will be added to the ssh config pairing each ansible_host with either of
these, in the order listed. If neither is defined then the pairing will be omitted.
- include_role:
name: kubeinit.kubeinit.kubeinit_prepare
tasks_from: create_host_ssh_config
ssh_hosts: "{{ groups['kubeinit_hypervisors'] }}"
keypair_path: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_keypair_path }}"
config_path: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_ssh_config }}"
file_mode: '0644'
Molecule Scenarios
Molecule is being used to test the “kubeinit_prepare” role. The following section highlights the drivers in service and provides an example playbook showing how the role is leveraged.