

Development environment setup

Contributing Code

Contributing Documentation

If you notice missing or erroneous documentation, you can either create an issue on Github, or you can create a pull request with the desired documentation changes.

Documentation sources in the repository:

  • The majority of documentation is located under docs/src folder.

  • Individual roles have a readme file under kubeinit/roles/<ROLE>/ (Ansible Galaxy requirement).

  • Modules are documented directly in their Python file kubeinit/plugins/modules/<MODULE>.py (Ansible convention).

Rendering the Documentation

After you make your change and before you submit a pull request, it’s good to verify that the changes you made are getting rendered into HTML correctly.

From the docs folder docs/src execute:

make html

You can inspect the rendered documentation by opening docs/src/_build/html/index.html in your web browser.

General Contribution Guidelines

Creating new roles automatically

Adding roles into this project is easy and starts with a compatible skeleton.

We will use the same role generation script from tripleo-ansible to automatically create new roles based in a pre-defined skeleton.

From the repository root directory execute:

ansible-playbook \
    -i 'localhost,' \
    role-addition.yml \
    -e ansible_connection=local \
    -e role_name=kubeinit-example


Please use only kubeinit-rolename words for defining the role name, for example, replace kubeinit-example with kubeinit-bind, kubeinit-kubevirt, or whatever the service name will be.

This command will generate the role, initial molecule default tests, and the documentation stub.

Linting new roles and code

It is possible to run a lint check automatically before pushing code or pull requests.

From the repository root directory execute:

tox -e linters

If the test pass all the executed tests should have succeeded.

Linting commits

For every pull request is executed a syntax check, this is for multiple reasons.

  • Automatic generating of the changelog.

  • Simple navigation through git history (e.g. ignoring style changes).


<feat>: <add an awesome feature>
^----^  ^----------------------^
|       |
|       +-> Summary in present tense.
+-------> Type: chore, docs, feat, fix, refactor, style, test, build, ci, perf, and revert (always lowercase).

<body> ----> The commit's body.

<footer> ----> An optional footer.

Accepted types:

  • feat: new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script

  • fix: bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script

  • docs: changes to the documentation

  • style: formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no production code change

  • refactor: refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable

  • test: adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change

  • chore: updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change

  • build: a change to the build process

  • ci: changes to CI configuration files and scripts

  • perf: a code change that improves performance

  • revert: reverting a change

Message subject (first line)

The first line cannot be longer than 70 characters, the second line is always blank and other lines should be wrapped at 80 characters. The type and scope should always be lowercase as shown below.

Message body

Uses the imperative, present tense: “change” not “changed” nor “changes” and includes motivation for the change and contrasts with previous behavior.



feat: include a new role

This feature adds a new role to implement
an awesome new feature.


Feat: Include a new role

This feature adds a new role to implement
an awesome new feature.

CI usage

Public facing CI

The following diagram describes the internal usage of GitHub actions and GitLab to run the end-to-end jobs.

Sequence diagram of the CI GitHub workflow for the e2e jobs

Internal facing CI

Development environments

Releasing Kubeinit

Kubeinit is released in both Ansible Galaxy, and Pypi.